Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Second Life will make great TV fodder.

Maury: StarChild373, you are not the father of avatar Kikipie304. 

Philip Rosedale may be on to something and it may be how to fill the void that will be created when we grow tired of our current reality stars, virtual reality stars!

Just imagine, you have been dating this really cool girl who shares so many common interest of yours. You met her in a virtual singles bar on Second Life and your avatars caught each others attention from the moment you walked in the place.

After months of Second Life dating, Second Life dancing, and Second Life sexting; never revealing any more than your Second Life life. Your online connection has become so great and your love was virtual and infinite. You decide to advance your virtual relationship to reality, only to find out that your virtual Venus is a middle aged bald man, who is married with kids and really didn’t mean any harm, he just wanted to have fun and meet people (or maybe you bumped into Rosedale's avatar).

I am always for the openness of the Internet and the advancement of technology, but there is something eerie to me about the idea of Second Life that will lead to Maury Povich remaining on the air for at least another 100 years.

Relationships have been difficult to manage and understand since the beginning of time. From Adam and Eve to Charlie Sheen and CBS, no relationship is without its bumps in the road and remember those relationships were face to face. Now imagine the complications of a curious married man who has chosen to express himself virtually with a female avatar and you think she/ he really loves you!  Now that's great fodder for Maury.