Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Facebook vs. Casinos

Over the brief reign of social media, there have been many different ways to describe what they are and many attempts to formulate an easier way to describe them to the masses. The analogy used to compare the social media website Facebook with a casino seems to be accurate, but not without some glaring flaws between the two entities.

One such argument against Facebook being similar to a casino is that you must be at least 18 years old to participate in a casino’s activities, but with Facebook you can be any age as long as you can operate a computer. Almost any application on Facebook will allow its user to have full range of the websites capabilities, including applications that may not be suitable for young children (i.e. Mafia Wars).  However, anyone under the age of 18 cannot sit in an area of a casino where gambling is taking place. Many casinos have designated areas for children and the threat of a casino operator possibly loosing his/ her gambling license because of an underage child participating has placed an even greater reaction from casino operators to constantly enforce their no children policies.

Another obvious difference that stands out in the analogy of Facebook and a casino is the mere fact you cannot win any money on Facebook. After all the pigs you have sold and ganglands that you have overthrown, at no time will any money grace the palm of your hand from this website. Although your chances of winning money from a casino may be minimal, there is still a chance.

As one person said so eloquently, “the House always wins.”  Which may be true, but there are always adult outliers who visit a casino and come out wealthier than when they entered. Facebook can help your existing business grow its consumer base, but its application was not created with its user to gain any monetary advantage. Although casinos were created to give the perception of an individual being able to win, without really allowing them to do so, there still remains a glimmer of possibility that you may strike it rich.            


  1. Hey Carl! Some Facebook apps are restricted by age, but there has to be an enforced law that would apply to it. There was an app that allowed you to send alcoholic drinks (or at least pictures of them) to your friends that originally let anyone use it, but it didn't take too long for an age restriction of 21 to be put on it. After all, even though you don't have to display it on your profile, you're required to give your birthday when signing up. So there is some regulation, in that respect.

  2. I just wanted to say ... you look like you could crush that cellphone in your profile pic. :-X haha.
