Monday, April 25, 2011

Mo' Money!

A report was just released revealing the ability of the iPhone and Android phones to be tracked constantly by the service providers and by anyone with access to the information the phones transmit. This really is not new news, but slightly ironic.

Several years ago there was a rash of iPhone thefts, with very little the victim could do to recover her/ his $500 dollar investment. In many cases, when the victim contacted Apple Customer Service for assistance, they were empathetically told there was nothing Apple could do to help. Now with the release of the article saying that the iPhone is constantly tracked, why did Apple refuse to help its customers in need?

Apple sells it's products with the idea of its customers re-returning after two to three years for the latest and greatest of their new hot items. Folks who unfortunately had their iPhone lost or stolen most likely went back to an Apple retailer and purchased another. However with the constant tracking, Apple could have simply told the customer the phones current location and eliminated the second donation of $500 dollars to the Apple fund.

As I said earlier, there should be very little surprise that the cellphones are always transmitting your current locale and now since anyone who reads knows this information, I think Steve Jobs and Apple need to be more forthright with their information to their customers. What can it hurt, they already know where I am!


  1. There certainly seems a breach of privacy in some way or form.

    I share my location exclusively with family and friends. But who knows how secure it is?

    Android has a definitive option for location sharing... what are your thoughts since you have used both platforms?

  2. I don't think we have any privacy at all. I think that even when you think you are safe, there is a hacker already in your account. lol I just think that with more technology the easier it is for other people to get into your private things.

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